Hackers come from all different backgrounds. Some hackers are motivated by money and politics, while others simply hack systems for fun. In this blog post, we will define the three kinds of hackers and how each one differs from the others. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term “hacker” was vaguely defined as someone […]
The three kinds of hackers every business should watch out for
3 Hats a hacker might wear
While not always accurate in its portrayal of hackers, Hollywood does get at least one thing right: there are many types of hackers out there, all with varied methods and motivations. In this article, we’ll take a look at three main types of hackers. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term “hacker” was vaguely […]
3 Types of hackers you should know about
What do you call someone who hunts for security gaps in computer hardware and software? A hacker, right? What about someone who presents their findings to vendors to help them improve the quality of their products? There is more than one type of hacker, and understanding the difference is important. A complicated history In the […]
It’s time to redefine the word “hacker”
What do you call someone who hunts for security gaps in computer hardware and software? A hacker, right? What about someone who takes their findings to vendors to help them improve the quality of their products? There is more than one type of hacker, and understanding the difference is important. A complicated history Since all […]